Gold Sponsors
"Blockchain Technology and its Application" Dale A. Werts, Partner Lathrop GPM LLP
This presentation will focus on Blockchain and more of the technical aspects of what it is and how it is built. The presenter will answer why blockchain is better than old technology, and provide a comparison between the two while touching on security, decentralization, and transparency. There will also be a discussion on digital assets and their place within financial and other industries. Although most of the discussion will be centered on Blockchain, the presenter will spend some time on Cryptocurrency and some recent developments regarding taxation and regulation. The presentation is structured to accommodate a wide audience with varying degrees of understanding in the crypto and blockchain space.
Registration Options: In-Person or Virtual
Spazio's At Westport 12031 Lackland Road Creve Coeur, MO 63146
In-Person: 12:00-12:30 PM Lunch
Virtual: 12:15-12:30 PM Log-In
Meeting: 12:30-1:30 PM
Members: No Charge Guests: $50.00
Approved for 1.2 CTP/CCM/FPA recertification credits by the Association for Financial Professionals